Calling for young photographers aged 8-25 to submit entries of both photos and videos to 2021 Silk Road Youth International Photography Exhibition. The theme of the exhibition is “My Hmeland”, and it is free of entry fee. Accepted works will first showcased at Photo Beijing in November, and tour to other countries till June in 2022. See the details below:
1. Young photographers aged 8-25 are eligible for this exhibition call.
2. Theme: My Homeland
3. Open To All Genres • Fine Art • Visual Storytelling —– Family Life • School Time • Festival Fun • Landscape • Crafts Making
4. Sumbission: one can submit both photos and video entries, yet the same entry can’t be submitted twice.
(1) Photography:
Each participant shall submit works no more than 10 pieces (portfolios);
Each portfolio is limited to 4-8 pieces;
Each work (or portfolio) must be labeled with title, author, nationality, age, contact information and brief introduction or description;
Each work must be in JPEG format and the file size is not less than 4MB;
(2) Short video:
Each applicant shall submit videos no more than 3 clips.
Each short video shall not exceed 5 minutes (including the opening and closing subtitles);
Only the works in rmvb/avi/mp4 format will be accepted.
The submitted works must be labeled with title, author, nationality, age and contact information;
The size of works shall not be less than the standard definition level (720*576).
5. Notice:
The submitted works should be created during January 2019 and September 2021, which have not presented in any other photography events;
The author should own the full copyright of the submitted works; in case the works are synthesized, deleted, modified or subject to other technology processing, special notes shall be attached; the original data files of winning entries shall be provided.
6. Please send your entries to
before Sep.5th, 2021.